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Professor Daniel Z. Kadar and Professor Juliane House jointly started a brand new Journal featuring research in Contrastive Pragmatics.  

        Contrastive Pragmatics – A Cross-Disciplinary Journal publishes cutting-edge contrastive research of pragmatic scope. The journal welcomes contributions that compare the use of language forms, realisation of speech acts, forms of interactional behaviour, evaluative tendencies both across and historically within lingua-cultures. It also pursues interest in the contrastive study of patterns of translation and language teaching. The journal provides a much-needed academic platform for corpus-driven and bottom-up research on language use, and for synergies between pragmatics, translation and language teaching. The journal particularly welcomes research on lesser-studied lingua-cultures. It pays special attention to pragmalinguistics and its interfaces with sociopragmatics, corpus linguistics, grammar, language acquisition and other areas. 

CP brief: About
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